This describes your ability to become an expert in any tiny niche in

 a very short time. A few years a woman dazzled guests at a dinner 

party with her knowledge about Zulus it turned out that she had simply

 read an article in the Readers Digest the night before.

Rather than mock this somebody who was listening realised that

 in today’s fast moving world it was an asset and a virtue to be able

 to become an instant expert. He was Jim Slater and he went on to

 apply this to choosing investments by specialising in particular types 

of shares and situations. In essence it is about finding a niche and 

then attempting to dominate it.

Many people have become wealthy on the Internet by searching 

out a lucrative niche and then specializing in it, often in areas they 

knew nothing about previously a health cure, pet care, a sport, a 

hobby, a skill, entertainment, a political blog. Today people are 

looking for micro niches, niches within niches. Although you might

 start off knowing little the Internet is such a marvellous learning

 tool you can quickly change that. More over with effort and 

passion you actually become a genuine expert in your chosen
